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Is a Vitamin D Deficiency Causing Your Hair Loss?

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Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a building block of a strong immune system and strong joints and bones.

Not getting enough vitamin D (also known as vitamin D deficiency), can cause many bodily systems to go awry - including inducing hair loss.  This nutrient is involved in aiding the absorption of calcium, which is one reason it greatly affects skeletal health.

Vitamin D deficiencies can cause symptoms of frequent bone fractures, slow wound healing, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, weak muscles, and infertility. This nutrient deficiency has been linked to depression, mood dysregulation, and anxiety in adults.

Obtaining sufficient levels of vitamin D can help prevent cancers, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, and inherited diseases.It is estimated that 1 billion people worldwide, (across all ethnic and age groups) experience a vitamin D deficiency.

Can vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Yes, having low levels of vitamin D can have a direct effect on hair loss and regrowth. Hair loss is a documented symptom of lower levels of Vitamin D3. A  2016 study found a correlation between female pattern hair loss and low levels of Vitamin D3.

In a 2016 case-control study among the student population in South India, researchers found a high level of hair fall-out with those with lower significantly lower levels of Vitamin D3.Low levels of Vitamin D3 has also been strongly associated with premature male balding.

This link is thought to be because vitamin D has a big role in creating new hair follicles. The regular occurrence of new follicles creates thick hair with minimal fallout. Vitamin D can help support and maintain a healthy hair growth cycle and follicle health.  

In the digital age, we are spending more and more time indoors, in office buildings for 8-14 hours at a time. This shift to indoor, sedentary office work that has taken shape over many decades has had a detrimental influence on our vitamin D levels - likely due to a lack of sun exposure.

What can you do to treat low vitamin D?

Before treating any nutritional deficiency, it's best to consult with your doctor and get a blood workup done to analyze your current nutrient levels. If you are worried you might have low levels of vitamin D, tell your doctor and ask for a 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test.

#1 The sun is a good source of Vitamin D

Likely, in today's day and age, we all need a good dose of sunshine to better balance our vitamin D levels.

When our skin is exposed to sunlight, vitamin D synthesis occurs. Vitamin D2 is absorbed from UV rays and our bodies naturally convert that into vitamin D3 - the usable form of vitamin D.

It’s recommended to sunbathe midday, between 11 am-2 pm, while the UV rays are the most intense (a short period of time goes a long way).

In a study, researchers suggest 13 minutes of clothed midday sun exposure, three times a day (during the summer months) is enough to obtain adequate vitamin D levels from sun exposure alone.

#2 Natural Sources of Vitamin D

Dietary changes are important to consider when working on improving your vitamin D levels. Here are some foods high in Vitamin D:

  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Halibut
  • Egg yolks  
  • Fortified tofu
  • Mushrooms (vitamin D2)

#3 Vitamin supplementation

When the sun is not out to play in the gloomy winter months, it is recommended to replace sun exposure for a vitamin D3  supplement.

Please check with your doctor or pharmacist to ensure there are no drug interactions with your pharmaceutical drugs and vitamin D3.

There are some conditions that impair UV vitamin D synthesis, in these cases, supplementation should be considered year-round. According to the Mayo Clinic, the recommended dose of vitamin D3 ranges based on age.

For children up to age 12 months 400 international units (IU)

For ages 1 to 70 years old 600 IU

For people over 70 years old 800 IU

Strut Treats Hair Loss Online

If correcting any vitamin deficiencies does not stop your hair fall out, or if hair regrowth is slow to come back, you might consider hair loss treatment - there are topical and oral treatments available.

Here at Strut, you can treat hair loss from the comfort of your living room when you book a free online consultation with our medical team. If you are a good fit for our prescription hair loss products, we will ship them quickly and discreetly to your door - no need for an in-person appointment.

Strut Finasteride for Male Pattern Hair Loss

Finasteride is long trusted to help create fuller hairlines for men experiencing male pattern baldness. And we carry Finasteride in both oral tablets or topical gel formulations. Note: this product is not suitable for women.

Women's Hair Growth Rx Formula

Women deal with hair loss too! Formulated by our Strut physicians and pharmacists specifically for women, Women's Hair Growth Rx Formula could be exactly what you need to get thicker and faster hair regrowth.

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